Baile Afterwork



Baile Bar – 3 Nov. 2022 

Our Sunday event is Now on a Thursday

As much as we love to play music on Sunday, many of our friends prefer to use this day to rest, dust off the weekend and prepare for a new week. Besides, winter is just around the corner and the time for our event on a Sunday became a bit too late. Many of our friends asked us to do something on Thursday so they can join us and enjoy some chill music in the nice bar where we have our event.

This time we are hosting our previous “Sundowner” but in the form of an “Afterwork” event. At the same time, from 7pm to 11pm, on Thursday 3 November.

The line-up this time consists of two awesome friends from our colleagues at the “Kabinett der Kuriositäten” @kabinett_der_kuriositaeten and the “Slow Bar”. . We are very happy to welcome Arturo and Woanders, who will enchant us with selected electronica tunes. We are really looking forward to them and invite you all to join us and enjoy their music.
You can check their SC and follow them if you like here:


Let the light circulate in the night, let the colours surround the darkness, and let the music be our flow. A brilliant artwork by our collaborator Alaa Hamameh. You can follow him on Instagram on his profile.

Many thanks to Baile Bar Frankfurt (@bailebarffm) for being a great host.

Your b.bahn team ❤️

Baile Afterwork



Baile Bar – 3 Nov. 2022 

Our Sunday event is Now on a Thursday As much as we love to play music on Sunday, many of our friends prefer to use this day to rest, dust off the weekend and prepare for a new week. Besides, winter is just around the corner and the time for our event on a Sunday became a bit too late. Many of our friends asked us to do something on Thursday so they can join us and enjoy some chill music in the nice bar where we have our event. This time we are hosting our previous “Sundowner” but in the form of an “Afterwork” event. At the same time, from 7pm to 11pm, on Thursday 3 November. The line-up this time consists of two awesome friends from our colleagues at the “Kabinett der Kuriositäten” @kabinett_der_kuriositaeten and the “Slow Bar”. . We are very happy to welcome Arturo and Woanders, who will enchant us with selected electronica tunes. We are really looking forward to them and invite you all to join us and enjoy their music. You can check their SC and follow them if you like here: @arturo_robs_grooves @phil.woanders Let the light circulate in the night, let the colours surround the darkness, and let the music be our flow. A brilliant artwork by our collaborator Alaa Hamameh. You can follow him on Instagram on his profile. @ala_hamameh Many thanks to Baile Bar Frankfurt (@bailebarffm) for being a great host. Your b.bahn team ❤️